“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.”

Maya Angelou

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Adopt a Forever Friend

There are many animals for adoption at our S.P.C.A. Each animal is eagerly waiting and hoping to be selected and adopted. Animal companionship is truly a remarkable bond. It is a very loving and loyal relationship that enriches the lives of all involved. Adopters can make a positive difference in the future lives of our homeless animals. They deserve a home life filled with love and kindness.

Sponsor a Pet

Many visitors ask how they can help make a difference for the animals that come to our shelter. Some adopt, some donate supplies and others make monetary donations.
Many people state that they would love to adopt ALL of our animals which is, as we all know, impossible; however, one way you can help is to "Sponsor a Pet". For $30, you can sponsor a pet for a month and help to give them the care and support they need during their stay here with us. You will have the option of anonymously sponsoring a pet , or we will ask you permission to display your name under your sponsored pet on our adoption page!

There are two ways you can "Sponsor a Pet":

You may choose to give a one time $30 sponsorship donation via our online shop, or you may visit our shelter in-person to provide a donation that will support an animal in need.

“Pawprint Pathway” Memorial Fundraiser

Our "Pawprint Pathway" fundraiser allows you to purchase a brick in memory of or in honor of an individual, family, group or pet. The brick will be placed permanently on the front walk as part of the "pathway" to our S.P.C.A., and your memorialized or honored individual, family, group or pet will be forever immortalized. It is a great way for loved ones or revered friends and pets to be remembered forever! These bricks also make excellent birthday or holiday gifts for friends or relatives.

There are two sizes available. The 4" x 8" brick is available for $100.00, and allows up to 3 lines of text. The 8" x 8" brick is available for $175.00, which allows up to 6 lines of text. Each line of text may contain up to 15 characters.

To purchase your Brick to be placed in the Pawprint Pathway, please follow the paws below to our secure online order processing:

Create a Facebook Fundraiser

This can easily be created in honor of a birthday, special day, or in memory of a loved one.

Reasons to create a Facebook fundraiser in benefit of our shelter:

-in memory of a loved one
-In lieu of gifts for a birthday party or wedding
-to celebrate a special day
-simply to help support your local non-profit animal shelter!

Have a fundraising idea?
Contact our fundraising coordinator at fundraising@sumterscspca.com